Things to do this summer. Чек лист. Обсуждаем с учениками.
Весна – время обсудить с маленькими учениками, чем они собираются заняться на летних каникулах. Чек-лист из 104 дел прилагается.
На последних уроках английского языка перед летними каникулами мы с ребятами часто разговариваем о том, чем можно заняться летом. Обсуждение ведется на английском языке, так что уроки не проходят без пользы.
Ниже список дел на лето, которые можно обсудить с детьми, дополняя их вопросами.
Например, первый пункт “Have a picnic”.
- Do you like having picnics?
- Where are you going to have a picnic?
- Whom are you going to have a picnic with?
- What do you like to eat on picnics?
- Do you play any games on picnics?
Примеры «летних дел»:
- Have a picnic
- Go for a walk
- Play iSpy
- Go on a scavenger hunt
- Hunt for bugs
- Build a fort
- Plant some flowers
- Paint a bird house
- Go on a bike ride
- Swim
- Make cookies
- Set up a lemonade stand
- Play a game of Chess
- Paint a picture
- Make a cake
- Invite a friend to come play
- Put on a puppet show
- Build a fairy garden
- Play dodge ball
- Learn a new song to sing
- Have a backwards walking race
- Go roller skating
- Make a puppet
- Visit the zoo
- Watch a new movie
- Read a book
- Write a poem
- Make salt dough
- Take a treat to a neighbor
- Make sun catchers
- Do a dance
- Play football
- Swing
- Whistle
- Grow carrots in a bucket on the porch
- Play in the sprinkler
- Make a sign for your door
- Decorate your bike with ribbons
- Build a house for dolls
- Make a cardboard box car
- Jump rope
- Make chalk art on the driveway
- Make tree decorations
- Put hand made pinwheels in the yard
- Skip
- Climb a tree
- Play basketball
- Make up a skit
- Make a card for someone special
- Play with clay
- Blow bubbles
- Go bowling
- Roll down a hill
- Learn to play an instrument
- Make apple sauce
- Sew
- Build with LEGOs
- Make a new friend
- List 10 things to do to be kind and do them
- Write a short story
- Make postcards and send them
- Make jewelry out of buttons
- Build something with recycled material
- Have a 3-legged race
- Offer to help a neighbor with yard work
- Walk the dog
- Put on a fashion show
- Make pet rocks
- Go to the park
- Paint faces
- Make a scrapbook
- Write a letter
- Visit a museum
- Go fishing
- Play baseball
- Skip rocks across a pond
- Make milkshakes
- Fly a kite
- Play in the sand
- Try a new food
- Take a nap in a hammock
- Go camping
- Ride in a boat
- Decorate flip flops
- Tie dye a T-shirt
- Host a car wash
- Play hopscotch
- Make home made ice cream
- Play frisbee
- Learn to french braid your hair
- Decorate your front door
- Make a paper mache bowl
- Pick berries at a berry farm
- Make a treasure map
- Go to an amusement park
- Build a popsicle stick bridge
- Make dinosaur eggs
- Play Simon Says
- Try a harmonica
- Go window shopping
- Look for sand crabs
- Make a crown with grass and flowers
- Follow a grasshopper
- Paint a self portrait
Осенью же можно пройтись по списку еще раз, чтобы проверить, кто, что успел сделать за лето.
Если вы считаете материал интересным, поделитесь им с друзьями в социальных сетях.